Sergio’s Apology Note To Tiger Woods Leaked!

Following his infamous ‘fried chicken’ joke last month, Sergio shook hands with Tiger Woods in front of fans on the range at the US Open Wednesday.

“We saw each other yesterday on the range,” García said. “I felt like it wasn’t the appropriate place for me to [apologise] out of respect to him and to the other players to do it there. So I was hoping to see him afterwards. I was hoping to meet him after my practice round but he was gone after the round.

“And this morning I was here early. I didn’t see him around. Obviously he got here later on. But I did leave him a note, a handwritten note. And hopefully he can take a look at it.”

Whilst Sergio seems keen to keep the note private and put the ‘fried chicken’ incident behind him, I can report that first images of the note have been leaked…

Here it is

About jamieonsport

My name is Jamie and I have been addicted to sports since I was 6. As a method of self-prescribed medication for the illness, I thought it would be good to detail my thoughts on the sporting world. So welcome to the workings of my inner-monologue. Join in, ignore, share, laugh, cry, be offended, be inspired, take my ranting however you will, but thanks for checking in.
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